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REBECCA JELL 1822, Tenterden Kent



  REBECCA JELL 1822, Tenterden Kent £.  
I have always seen my girls, as they are pictured in early 19th century primitives, pretty in a red dress and bonnet, with a basket of flowers !., but perhaps not our Rebekah Jell.
Born in Tenterden a moderate size rural town in Kent, where she was taught sewing by Miss E.Fuller in 1822 her parents Edward & Elizabeth were farmers. By 1851 our Rebecca had become the Land lady of the Dover Castle Inn in Chatham, for those who do not know Chatham is a Garrison Town as well have large Navy and Commercial dockyards. She employed 2 barmen, a cook and potman , remained unmarried and died in 1863. A quiet gentle woman she could not have been. I like the fact that she unpicked the date of her sampler so hiding her age !.
some damage


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