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An important sampler from the Brighton Deaf & Dumb Asylum. 1885.
The Brighton Institution for the Deaf & Dumb was founded of the efforts of two sisters Jane & Louisa Mohum in 1841, when they became involved with the cases of two deaf mute children. With the help of the vicar of St.James Church they set up a school within the sunday School. Blind Children were also admitted but proved impractical. Larger premises were opend at Egremont Place. By 1847 Funds were found for the construction of permanent institution and in 1854 this was doubled with further additions in 1863. A public exhibition of the children's attainments was held as part of a fund raiser.
In 1891 there were 76 scholars (44 boys & 32 girls) from Sussex, Hampshire, Middlesex, Lancashire, Lincolnshire Dorset, Suffolk, Essex & Kent. Interestingly in the 1881 census also a child from Singapore. As a result it would be impossible to find our Caroline. Children under the age of 11 were expected to remain for at least five years. In addition to ordinary education girls were taught laundry work, dressmaking and cookery.


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