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ELIZA MARGARITA BARTON, THE Pastures 1837, An increadable life story.



  ELIZA MARGARITA BARTON, THE Pastures 1837, An increadable life story. £450  
We tend to think of the lives of our girls (the sampler makers) as being a little restrictive, they were born lived and died often in the same town or village, so it is exciting to find a truly remarkable girl and share her life story.
ELIZA MARGARITA BARTON was born 2.9.1825 to James Barton and Eliza Georgina Hawkins ( this being her third marriage and another story) in Matoonga , Mumbai India and was sent off to School at The Pastures in Derbyshire England where she worked her sampler in 1837. Through her Indian connection she meet her husband James Arnold Heathcote a Retired Commander in the Indian Navy in 1858 at the age of 33 and they had three children. From 1866 to 1877 they rented from William Morris ,The Red House in Bexley @ £100. The Iconic Arts and Crafts home of William and Janey Morris and the centre of the Pre-Raphaelite circle, and possibly the most important late 19th century home in England. She died at the impressive age of 91 on Sept.9.1916 in Brighton.
19 x 35.5 cm.


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